Learn how to build flowers and leaves for jewelry components in polymer clay, from designing canes to final construction using Bonnie’s unique marquetry style. Click on course image to read more.
Virtual Courses
Virtual Course
With Bonnie Bishoff
April 2 - 16, 2025, Weekly on Wednesday
from 6:00pm – 8:00pm (3 days)
Tuition: $260.00
Virtual Course
With Charles Lewton-Brain (He/Him)
April 3 - 10, 2025, Weekly on Thursday
from 3:00pm – 5:00pm (2 days)
Tuition: $180.00
With tips, tricks, shortcuts, tool hacks, and alternative equipment options, students will learn to speed up their production and understanding of goldsmithing from a master in the field, Charles Lewton-Brain. Click on course image to read more.
Virtual Course
With Paulette Werger
April 7 - 21, 2025, Weekly on Monday
from 1:00pm – 3:00pm (3 days)
Tuition: $260.00
Explore a variety of classical techniques, practical bench tips, and metalsmithing skills as you design and make three distinct Argentium silver cuff bracelets. Click on course image to read more.
Virtual Course
With Jim Dailing
April 8 - 15, 2025, Weekly on Tuesday
from 4:00pm – 6:00pm (2 days)
Tuition: $180.00
Focus on two distinct stone setting processes without prongs: bead setting and hammer setting on thick walled tube. Click on course image to read more.
Virtual Course
With Matthieu Cheminée (He/Him)
April 10 - 24, 2025, Weekly on Thursday
from 10:00am – 12:00pm (3 days)
Tuition: $260.00
Explore ways to create a 3-D stamped pattern to incorporate into your jewelry by making two-part stamps. Click on course image to read more.
Virtual Course
With Jolynn Santiago
April 12 - 19, 2025, Weekly on Saturday
from 10:00am – 12:00pm (2 days)
Tuition: $155.00
Dive into the challenging yet beautiful process of fusing jewelry enamel to steel, as well as how to create enamel "drawings" and experiment with designs. Click on course image to learn more.
Virtual Course
With April Wood
April 29, 2025 - May 6, 2025, Weekly on Tuesday
from 11:00am – 2:00pm (2 days)
Tuition: $260.00
Many natural and found objects can be cast in metal using the lost wax method, capturing incredible detail and preserving the intricate textures. Learn how to prepare objects, cast, and finish your pieces for jewelry. Click on course image to read more.
Virtual Course
With Tom Muir
May 8 - 15, 2025, Weekly on Thursday
from 10:00am – 12:00pm (2 days)
Tuition: $180.00
This demo-centered virtual workshop will focus on hand-fabricated threaded catches with a swivel mechanism, which offer unique advantages and more aesthetic opportunities! Click on course image to read more.
Virtual Course
With April Wood
May 12 - 19, 2025, Weekly on Monday
from 11:00am – 2:00pm (2 days)
Tuition: $260.00
In this demo-focused virtual workshop, students will learn the step-by-step procedures for utilizing the practically-magical electroforming technique. Click on course image to read more.
Virtual Course
With Jim Dailing
May 13 - 20, 2025, Weekly on Tuesday
from 4:00pm – 6:00pm (2 days)
Tuition: $180.00
This two-day demo-focused virtual class is an introduction to working with tool steel and creating tools from scratch as well as modifying existing tools to either work better for you and your hands or for a specific task. Click on course image or title to read more.
Virtual Course
With Kristin Shiga
May 15 - 29, 2025, Weekly on Thursday
from 6:00pm – 8:00pm (3 days)
Tuition: $260.00
Confused by the dizzying array of rotary burs, tips, and bits on the market? Not sure which motor, handpiece, or speed control to invest in? This information-packed class is for you! Click on the course image for more information.
Virtual Course
With Kristin Shiga
June 14, 2025, Saturday from 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Tuition: $135.00
String pearls like a pro! Learn the traditional art of pearl stringing as you create heirloom-quality pearl strands in your choice of colors, sizes, and shapes. Click on course image to read more.