Matthieu Cheminée and Mohamed Amoumoune

Matthieu Cheminée moved from Paris to New-Mexico when he was 19, where for seven years he studied Navajo, Hopi and Zuni jewelry techniques. He was immediately drawn to stamping, making concho belts and bracelets. He then moved to Mali, West-Africa and worked for a few years with the Fulani, Tuareg and Bambara jewelers.
In 1999, Matthieu settled in Montreal Canada and continued his studies by going to a jewelry school and learning a more classical part of the trade. Over the years, Matthieu has returned to Africa regularly.
In 2014, Tim McCreight and Mattheiu Cheminee created the Toolbox Initiative, a non-profit organization that helps jewelers in West Africa through the gifts of donated tools.
Matthieu has written two books, “Legacy, jewelry techniques of West Africa“ and “The Art of Stamping”, both published at Brynmorgen Press.
Mohamed Amoumoune is a jeweler from Agadez, Niger. He specializes in Tuareg metal shaping techniques for creating three-dimentional forms through forming and engraving.
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