Sulo Bee and Nanette Pengelley

Sulo Bee is a nonbinary interdisciplinary metalsmith and maker based in Central Texas. They hold a BFA in Metals and Jewelry from Texas State University in 2018 and an MFA from SUNY New Paltz in 2022. Sulo has exhibited their work nationally and internationally with various galleries, and Jewelry Weeks in Budapest, Milan, and New York. They are a co-founder of Queer Metalsmiths where they seek to uplift queer voices in the field of metalsmithing and craft. During NYC Jewelry Week 2022 they served as a panelist on "Identity Adorned: The Intersection of Jewelry and Queerness" at the Museum of Art and Design. Sulo is represented by INTRO by Galerie Marzee in the Netherlands and Sifuentes Metalsmith in San Antonio, Texas.

Nanette Pengelley is a queer, Jamaican-American artist and metalsmith born in south Florida. She went on to study in Quito, Boston, and Florence. After graduating from Massachusetts College of Art and Design in 2015 with her BFA in Jewelry and Metalsmithing, Nanette has been exploring her practice within her brand, Hew Jewelry, splitting her time between teaching fibers and metalsmithing courses in New England and North Carolina.

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