Märta Mattsson

Märta MaOsson was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1982. She received a Master degree from the Royal College of Art in London in 2010. She also received a Bachelor degree in jewellery art from HDK - Acadamy of Design and CraJs in Gothenburg and has been an exchange student at Hiko Mizuno College of Jewelry in Tokyo, Rhode Island School of Design in Providence and at Hawaii Pacific University. She has exhibited her work both na:onally and interna:onally since 2006 in over 20 solo exhibi:ons and in many group exhibi:ons. Märta has given workshops and lectures around the theme of her work in countries like China, Belgium, Mexico, Thailand, USA, Sweden and Latvia and she is currently employed as a lecturer at HDK – Academy of Design and CraJs in the department for jewellery art. In 2016 Märta was awarded the prize Young Applied Ar:sts 2016 in Sweden and her pieces can be found in pres:gious Museum collec:ons like MAD – Museum of Art and Design in New York and Na:onalmuseum in Stockholm.
Visit www.martamattsson.com to view Märta's work.
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