Wayne Werner

Wayne Werner is a third generation metal smith from Baltimore. He has made his living as a maker for over 15 years. He has traveled around the world to learn with metal workers from Italy and Egypt to Java and Bali. Specializing in cold forging precious metals, Werner has incorporated the traditional techniques of gold and platinum smithing with his artistic vision of paying homage to the fertility cults of the ancient world.



Werner's work explores the relationship to metals liquid opus and the opus of mankind, both being a product of the earth cooling down. Through his work Werner attempts to remind people of the miracle of life and the cosmic happening that we all are.





Primarily making a living retailing his work, Werner has participated in over 200 high-end craft shows nationally. He has received many awards for his work including the World Gold Council's Gold Distinction award and the MJSA Vision award for Mokume Gane. Werner is a former instructor at the Fuji Studio in Florence, Italy, and is adjunct faculty at the Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore Md. In 2006 He was asked to demonstrate his craft at The Mint Museum of Craft and Design in Charlotte, NC. An event marking his 40th birthday.



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