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Dan Jocz
Artist Statement:
When I began working in metals and jewelry, I chose to follow my imagination wherever it leads me. This free exploration is essential to the development of my work. Add to that my fondness for the feel of metal and things small and I guess you have the biggest reason for me doing this work.
I do not expect others to gain my particular insights through this work, but I hope perhaps within the communication there is a moment of poetic revelation for the spectator.
Dan has been involved in the arts since the 1960's. He has his MFA in sculpture from UMASS Amherst and BFA from the Philadephia College of Art. His work is displayed all over the country and world from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC., all the way to The National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland. He currently teaches at Massachusetts College of Art for the metal's department and continues to travel both near and far for exhibitions, lectures, and educating people in the arts. To read more about Dan, please visit his website
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