Michael Sturlin

As he constructed his first gold ring in 1975, Michael David Sturlin recognized both the challenge and the possibilities of working with precious metals. Developing an affinity for the material and a talent for the process, he has continued creating imaginative and elegant jewelry for over three decades.



Michael's minimalist design approach and his skill as a goldsmith have received international recognition as well as awards from the World Gold Council and the American Jewelry Design Council.His jewelry has been featured in numerous publications and his hand crocheted necklaces are displayed in select galleries across North America.





In addition to his work as a studio jewelry artist, Michael also writes technical articles and teaches specialty goldsmithing and jewelry making workshops, as well as professional development seminars.





Articles about Michael and his work include: "Project Patience," a Behind the Design article in AJM Magazine in February, 2004, "Close Knit," an AJM Behind the Design article June, 2003 and "In Chains," a Lapidary Journal Magazine feature article March, 2004.





Memberships: Society of North American Goldsmiths, Jewelry Design Professionals' Network, American Crafts Council, Bay Area Metal Arts Guild.





Visit his website: http://www.goldcrochet.com/



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