Introduction to Enamel on Steel for Jewelry
This 2-day virtual workshop is an introduction to the process of enameling on steel. This class provides the opportunity to explore the unique surface quality, mark-making, and rich durable color that enamel has to offer on this inexpensive and dynamic base material. In addition to the process itself, we will look at personal equipment needs, sourcing materials, outsourcing, and design problem solving.
Meet the instructor

Kat Cole received her MFA at East Carolina University and BFA from Virginia Commonwealth University and was a Visiting Professor in Metals/Jewelry at Western Michigan University. Cole is currently a full-time studio artist in Dallas, TX and is the co-founder of Jewelry Edition. She has been a presenter at Yuma Symposium and Craft Boston, teaches workshops nationally and has exhibited internationally. Cole’s work is in private and public collections including The Museum of Arts and Design in New York City and Houston Museum of Fine Art.
Materials & Tools
A $55 supply kit will be shipped out by the instructor to the default address listed on your Metalwerx account one week prior to class (registrants who sign up after this day will not receive kits by the start date). Please inform us if you reside outside of the US, as your shipping cost will differ and may need to be expedited.
Unless you already own most of the items on the list, the kit is highly recommended, as you cannot order the prepped items reflected below through other vendors. Kit includes the following items:
Ground coat ½ cup each (4oz)
Cover coat white ½ cup each
969 clear ¼ cup each (or 2oz)
2 Ceramic Pigments - 1 tps of each
4 26g Enameling iron sample squares
1 4x4in 60 grit sandpaper piece
The following supplies will be used for course demonstrations and objectives. A suggested item and/or vendor has been provided below for reference. Click the vendor name to be redirected to a page where you can view the item. The quantities needed for each item are listed first. If ordering, please be aware that some items may come in larger quantities than needed for this class. We recommend not opening an item's packaging until the day of the workshop. Student participation during or in-between class sessions is not required - observers are welcome.
Hand tools:
1 x jewelers saw (Rio Grande)
1 x pack saw blades - 2/0 (Rio Grande)
1 x bench pin (Rio Grande)
1 x half round hand file - #2 cut (Rio Grande)
1 x rotary tool - flex shaft, micro motor, etc. (Rio Grande)
1 x scribe (Rio Grande)
1 x sheet of sand paper - 220 to 600 grits (Rio Grande)
Enameiing setup with kiln:
1 x fireproof area - steel sheet, tiles, etc. (Amazon or Home Depot)
1 x kiln - mini or full size (Rio Grande or Rio Grande)
1 x sifter set - 60, 100, 150 mesh (Rio Grande or Enamel Warehouse)
1 x steel screen - for your kiln size (Rio Grande or Enamel Warehouse)
1 x steel trivet - for your kiln size (Rio Grande or Enamel Warehouse)
1 x firing fork / spatula (Rio Grande or Enamel Warehouse)
1 x tongs or tweezers - for moving hot objects (Rio Grande)
1 x sink or large tub of water - for cleaning enamel
1 x liquid hand soap - for cleaning metal
Enameling setup with torch:
1 x torch setup - Silversmith or similar style (Rio Grande)
1 x #1 or #2 torch tip - if using Silversmith (Rio Grande)
1 x striker or lighter - Silversmith system has one (Rio Grande)
1 x tripod or fire bricks with screen (Rio Grande)
Other/miscellaneous items:
Old magazines or glossy pages that can be destroyed
Paper towels
Distilled water
Dish soap for degreasing metal
Small tweezers
Exacto Knife
Optional materials:
Sifted Enamels
Paint Brushes