Fused Gold Patterns
This jam-packed 2-day workshop will incorporate Michael's technique for fusing gold patterns onto Argentium silver to created all manner of intricate and unique patterns and designs. Students will use high karat gold and Argentium silver to make patterns that can then be incorporated into jewelry that only be described as truly one-of-a-kind. Michael will explore various ways of fusing and fabricating that are sure to expand your metalsmithing repertoire!
Meet the instructor

Michael Boyd is is an internationally known artist. His unique creations in stone and metal are found in numerous private collections and have been widely exhibited at important juried shows, as well as prestigious galleries and museums including Ladyfingers Gallery in Carmel, CA, Patina Gallery in Santa FE, NM, the Aaron Faber Gallery and the Museum of Art and Design in New York.
Formally trained in painting and ceramics, for the past thirty years Michael has focused his creative work in jewelry making, a medium in which he is primarily self-taught. Michael is a generous and inspiring teacher who shares his skills in private workshops and at universities around the country, including Colorado State University, Bowling Green State University and the University of Alaska.
Michael has presented at the prestigious Society of North American Goldsmiths Conference in Denver. Active in the local arts community, Michael has served as a trustee/board member of the Sangre de Cristo Arts and Conference Center in Pueblo, the Colorado Metalsmithing Association and the Pueblo Arts Alliance.
Materials & Tools
There is an estimated $145 materials kit for this workshop available for purchase during the class. The materials kit includes 24k gold, refractory materials for fusing, Argentium silver, and stones for purchase on a-la-cart.
any of their own metal that they may wish to use in addition to what they get in their kit
their own bezel wire in the metal they want to use (fine / sterling silver and gold)
closed toed shoes - required in the Metalwerx studio
any of their own favorite tools - Metalwerx is equipped with communal studio tools
pen/pencil and notepad for notes and sketching
lunch - Metalwerx has a fridge, toaster oven, and microwave