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Fine Silver Metal Clay Basics

This workshop is designed to introduce students to the unique properties of metal clay. Through demonstrations participants will learn best practices for setting up a working space; how to use tools to manipulate and create surface texture and patterns; how to join pieces together before firing; how drying forms can be utilized to add volume; how to fix mistakes; and prepare pieces for kiln firing.  Students will also learn how to design pieces that take shrinkage into account, properly drill holes so that findings can be added with ease, and we'll review various surface treatment finishing techniques. Depending upon the size of the pieces, students will be able to make earrings, a pendant, or a link bracelet!

A variety of commercial texture plates and templates will be available for studio use. As time allows we will discuss how to create individual texture plates using polymer, styrofoam sheets, or soft rubber lino cut plates and experiment with them. The instructor will have examples of completed metal clay pieces that demonstrate how to combine this versatile medium with other pieces of metal and other craft materials.  


Please be advised: we typically close registration for our on-site workshops the Tuesday of the week before the class start-date.

Meet the instructor

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Carol Miller has been an educator in the arts for over 35 years. She brings a wealth of classroom experience and thorough understanding of student needs combined with creativity. Her work has been exhibited regionally at Lexington Arts, Waltham Open Studios, Monique Rancourt Gallery and Metalwerx Marketplace. She was one of the founding members of Gallery Naga, a cooperative gallery in Boston, and is a full time Metalwerx Studio Mate.

Materials & Tools

There is a $95 materials fee for this workshop which is payable upon registration. The materials kit includes 25grams of precious metal clay (fine silver) and sterling silver findings; as well as other miscellaneous consumable items needed to complete the workshop objectives. 

All the tools and additional items needed to complete this two-day workshop will be provided during the class/in the studio.


Students should bring
  • Closed-toe shoes - required in the Metalwerx studio
  • Notebook/sketchbook
  • Extra fine point sharpie
  • 0-00 watercolor brush (available at any craft/art supply store)
  • Small container for your pieces
  • Assorted materials, objects, natural/organic materials for creating textures - shells, pieces of fabric, buttons, etc.  These will be pressed into the metal clay, so nothing you don't mind getting dirty.
  • Any rubber stamps to use for imprinting the metal clay - with patterns/designs/a phrase you like/etc.
  • A KN-95 mask 

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