Faceted Stone Setting Intensive: Theory & Applications
This technical 5-day stone setting class will explore a multitude of stone setting styles with a primary focus on prong, flush, and bezel setting of round and fancy cut gemstones. Channel and basic bead setting will also be covered! Students will also learn the theory behind stone-setting, gemstone characteristics, how to make setting tools and how to design with unique gemstones in mind. You can expect to finish 3-5 pieces of jewelry in this class but the emphasis will be on information, techniques, and advancing technical proficiency.
Meet the instructor

Kirk Lang is a Seattle based Studio Artist. He holds a MFA from the University of Washington in Interdisciplinary Visual Arts and a BFA from the Cleveland Institute of Art in Jewelry & Metals. His work can be seen in such publications as MJSA Journal, 500 Metal Vessels, 500 Necklaces, 1000 Rings and Metalsmith Magazine. He was selected for a solo exhibition at the Metals Museum in 2014 and for inclusion in the 2016 Biennial at the Bellevue Arts Museum. He has received several awards including an Artist Trust Fellowship, Artist Trust GAP Grant and an Individual Project Grant from 4Culture. Most recently, he received a Saul Bell Design Award for his jewelry in both 2019 and 2020. Recurring themes in his work include time, space and mythology, in the form of wearable and interactive sculptural objects.
Materials & Tools
There is a $334 materials fee for this course which is payable upon registration. The materials kit fee covers cost of:
domed brass ring blanks for practice (5 pack) - 1
5mm wide x 2.5 thick flat brass band (for channel/flush) - 3
4mm flat sterling stock, 1.75mm thick, 3 inches long - 2
4.75mm flat sterling stock, 2.25mm thick, 3 inches long - 2
6mm comfort fit sterling stock, 2mm thick, 3 inches long - 1
round 4-prong heavyweight basket setting for 5mm stone (sterling) - 3
round tapered bezel settings for 5mm stone (sterling) - 3
sterling Silver 7x5mm Pear V-End 5 Prong Setting - 3
Sterling Silver Square Tapered Bezel Setting for 5mm stone - 3
5mm CZs for prong and bezel settings - 6
2mm CZs for flush, bead and channel settings - 15
7x5mm Pear CZs for prong settings - 3
5x5mm square cut CZs for bezel settings - 3
3mm triangle cut CZs for flush settings - 2
2.5mm trillion cut moissanite -1
2mm square cut CZs for channel setting - 10
1.6mm cup bur - 1
3.3mm fine cut hart bur - 1
4.5mm fine cut hart bur - 1
5mm fine cut setting bur - 1
2mm setting bur - 1
#6 beading tool - 1
Beading tool handle - 1
3/32 shank 1mm twist drill - 1
1.8mm round bur - 1
303 stainless burnisher segment 0.09375" - 1
2mm hart bur - 1
1.8mm cylinder bur - 1
Beading tool (to be altered-small) - 1
1.6mm fine cut hart bur - 1
4mm fine cut hart bur - 1
0.5mm round bur - 2
1mm round bur - 1
1mm hart bur - 2
#12 beading tool (punch) - 1
1.8mm cylinder bur - 1
#8 Beading tool (punch) - 1
1.2mm Krause bur - 1
0.8mm 3/32 shank twist drill - 1
1.3mm 3/32 shank twist drill - 1
1.6mm 3/32 shank twist drill - 1
flex shaft screw mandrels - 3
Soft 3/4" Miniature Solid Felt Wheels - 1
1/4" x 3/16" Soft Mounted End Bristle Brushes - 1
Brush wheel Soft 1" Mounted Bristle Brushes - 1
7/8" Medium Knife-Edge Polishing Wheel - 1
7/8" Medium Square-Edge Polishing Wheel - 1
600 Grit Cartridge Rolls - 1
800 Grit Cartridge Rolls - 1
320 Grit Cartridge Rolls - 1
1/2inch x 1inch piece of sticky wax - 1
pin vise to hold 3/32 shanks - 1
10x magnification loupe - 1
miniral oil
compressed air
fine tipped tweezers - 1
separating disc - 3
#2 sawblade dozen pack – 1
The following tools and supplies will be available to students as well:
sharpening fixture
inexpensive lubricant for sharpening
sharpening stone - arkansas
sharpening stone - india
sanding equipement
basic metalsmithing tools - pliers, sawframes, etc.
ultrasonic clearner
graverblocks (with ring holder) and GRS ring holder
full soldering / torch area with required consumables
4" or 6" digital calipers
onglette gravers, flat gravers - to share
NOTE: Metalwerx has many of the following for communal use, but we recommend you bring your own / extra if you have them or if you do not want to wait to use a communal tool / item.
plastic or metal container (for sponge)
bic lighter
saw blade selection
personal optivisor
hand files
needles files
sanding sticks
round burs (1mm-6mm)
safety glasses or reading glasses - for working up close
other personal hand tools (if not wishing to share communal tools)
studio apron
studio towel
closed-toe shoes - required in the Metalwerx studio
lunch - Metalwerx has a fridge, toaster oven, and microwave