Exploring Drawing & Painting on Enamel
In this captivating 5-day workshop, we will delve into the contemporary art of Limoges enameling, gaining valuable insights into the application of overglaze paints. Through step-by-step demonstrations led by the instructor, students will learn about fundamental metal preparation, sifting, wet-packing, firing, and layering techniques. Bringing realistic depictions to life, such as flowers, bees, and butterflies, we will explore various techniques and concepts. Emphasis will be placed on the effective use of color themes and the interplay between light and dark tones to enhance the subject matter. Throughout the workshop, participants will complete a series of small pieces.
Meet the instructor

Mi-Sook Hur is a metalsmith, enamellist, and educator teaching at the School of Art and Design at East Carolina University. She received a BFA in Metalwork and Jewelry from Seoul National University in Korea and an MFA in Metals from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Mi-Sook Hur has exhibited her work at the Museum of Arts and Design, SOFA Chicago, Itami Museum of Arts and Crafts in Japan, and Vicenza Oro II in Italy. Her work has been included in The Art of Enameling: Techniques, Projects, Inspiration by Linda Darty, 500 Enameled, and Metalsmith. Hur has received prize awards from the Enamelist Society, Niche Awards, the Purchase Award from Arkansas Arts Center, and the European Design-an Asian Renaissance Evoked in Gold Award from the World Gold Council. She is a former artist-in-residence at John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, and the Jentel Foundation. She published a book chapter on Limoges enamels in The Art of Fine Enameling by Karen L. Cohen. Additionally, she has taught workshops at Penland School of Crafts, Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, John C. Campbell Folk School, Pocosin Arts School of Fine Crafts, Metalwerx, EGNE, Pullen Art Center, Seoul National University, and Kookmin University.
Her work is included in the collections of the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts (Little Rock, AR); Enamel Arts Foundations (Los Angeles, CA); Crocker Art Museum, (Sacramento, CA); John Michael Kohler Arts Center (Sheboygan, WI); Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia, PA); Racine Art Museum (Racine, WI); Sunny & Gloria Kamm (CA); and Yale University Art Gallery (New Haven, CT).
Materials & Tools
There is a $74 materials fee for this course which is payable upon registration. The materials kit fee covers cost of dozens of brand new Sunshine enamels, use of Metalwerx's full Thompson enamels, A-5 oil, klyr-fire, 120 grit diamond hand pad, red-resist, red transfer paper, penoil, wipeout tool, model-T ink pen and pen nibs, KN95, 6"x6" copper sheet (18g), ceramic tile, and use of other miscellaneous consumables items needed for workshop objectives.
pencil, sketchbook
fine tip sable brushes (round 2, 1, 0, 2/0, 3/0)
small flat 1/2" water color brush
extra copper sheet (18g-22g) if they want more that 6x6
their own enamels or overglaze colors (leaded enamel not permitted in the studio)
ultra fine-point Sharpie permanent marker
safety glasses or reading glasses - for working up close (Metalwerx has some available)
favorite hand tools (if not wishing to share communal tools
studio apron
studio towel
closed-toe shoes - required in the Metalwerx studio
lunch - Metalwerx has a fridge, toaster oven, and microwave