Directed Studio Practice
This weekly class is an opportunity for students to work on independent projects and with answers to questions and guidance offered by the instructor one-on-one. Finish up projects hiding in your bench. Get advice and delve into those designs swirling around in your head. Or simply level up your previously learned skillsets. This class is loaded with great bench tips to guide students through projects with success. Students discuss and critique designs one-on-one with the instructor, as well as in a group if desired.
Directed Studio Practice is led by instructors each with their own specialized skills and expertise. Technical demonstrations will respond to participants' interests and needs; soldering, forming, texture, production work, and stone setting are among the many possibilities.
This particular version of Directed Studio Practice will be open to students with a Jewelry 1 and above level skills et.
Meet the instructor
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Emily joined the Studiomate Artists’ community at Metalwerx in 2015. Since then, she has been enjoying the Metalwerx community, pursuing her quest for skill acquisition in techniques involving metal fabrication of jewelry and small-scale functional objects. Her favorite metalworking techniques include fusing, soldering, and texturing; lately she has been focused on developing skills in the art of filigree. As a life-long rock-hound, she also has a fascination with gems, pearls, and other materials’ potential as adornment for pieces made using classic silversmithing techniques.
In 2020, Emily joined the Virtual Course Team at Metalwerx, and continues to host many of Metalwerx’ virtual classes, working with an incredible line-up of instructors and dedicated students from around the globe. When it comes to Metalwerx, Emily considers herself to always be the luckiest person in the room!
Visit Emily's Instagram (@emilyglimp) to view her work and processes!
Materials & Tools
There is a $10 lab fee per student for the use of common supplies such as flux, solder, gas, etc. which is paybale upon registration. Tools and equipment are available to use during class. Supplies for projects are provided by students but the instructor is happy to offer guidance before ordering.
your own materials / supplies / projects
closed-toe shoes - required for all Metalwerx classes
ultra-fine point sharpie marker - black (such as)
container for tools/materials/projects - shoebox size
personal safety glasses if you prefer - Metalwerx has these
comfortable clothing from natural fibers