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Custom Prong Settings for Unique Stones

This three day workshop involves an interesting concept - the juxtaposition of fine jewelry techniques with "alternative" materials of little or no monetary value. In this case we are building and setting a classic solitaire mounting from wire and plate, integrating a forged shank with a claw/prong setting and underbezel. The integral underbezel serves as canvas for detail not visible when worn, known only to the wearer and maker. The stone to be set will be a pebble or rock found on a beach or other unassuming place. 

Students will fabricate one ring of the type shown in the photo.

Concepts and techniques taught include integrating a setting, underbezel, and shank into one cohesive construction; fabricating a secure setting; the underbezel as design element; forging, piercing, soldering; prefinishing; setting an irregular “cabochon” stone; and finishing.

Meet the instructor

photo of

Steven Parker is a jeweler, having been trained in the techniques and disciplines of classic fine jewelry.    His study of watch and​ clockmaking led him to a quite enjoyable detour into the world of toy design and manufacture where he invented, prototyped, and manufactured various types of electro-mechanical toys and collectibles over the course of a decade before returning to the jewelry industry.  Steven currently works with industry and private clients designing, modeling, and manufacturing jewelry in a wide range of styles and materials.  Believing strongly in giving back, Steven also teaches as adjunct in the Jewelry Design Department at FIT in New York City.


Materials & Tools

There is a $60 materials fee for this course made payable upon registration. The kit includes sterling silver sheet and wire, precision watchmaker's tweezers, and various flex-shaft attachments, supplies and materials necessary for completing the project.
Students should bring
  • Pebble(s):  Driveways or beaches are a good source, and your instructor will have a selection to choose from
Metalwerx has the following items, but if students have any of these items, they are encouraged to bring them:
  • Large flat hand file approx 20mm wide,  cut 0, with handle
  • Needle files, large -  half round, triangle, equaling, cut 2
  • Ring clamp          
  • Large half round pliers
  • Saw frame
  • Dividers, small and accurate
  • Vernier or digital caliper

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