Chasing and Repoussé in Sterling Silver
Sterling silver is a wonderful metal to chase and repoussé. It is soft enough to be shaped into organic forms and stiff enough for creating crisp edges and dramatic textures. One of the major differences between sterling and pure metals such as copper, fine silver and gold, is that it is susceptible to firescale. Among other things, Mēgan will share her tips and tricks on how to protect sterling from firescale when annealing.
Students must have some experience with chasing and repoussé, be able to work in pitch and be familiar with basic chasing tools. Mēgan will bring some chasing tools for students to use during class. The studio has some pitch bowls and hammers available. Students are encouraged to bring their own tools, hammers and pitch bowls.
Instruction will be a combination of live demonstrations, PowerPoint presentations, and working individually with each student. The goal for the class is that every student becomes comfortable working in sterling silver and learns how versatile and exciting a material it is for forming, texturing and detailing chased and repoussé pieces.
*Please Note: Students need to have experience in chasing and repoussé such as a beginning class in these techniques. Students who are self-taught and who have used pitch bowls and chasing tools for non-ferrous materials (no steel) are welcome to register.
Students who do not have chasing and repoussé experience may register for Beginning Chasing and Repoussé.
Meet the instructor

Nancy Mēgan Corwin is a jeweler/metalsmith, teacher and writer in the field of art metals. She teaches workshops around the United States, Canada and England including Penland School of Crafts in North Carolina, The Haystack Mountain School of Crafts in Maine, Arrowmont School of Crafts in Tennesse and at West Dean College in Chichester, England.
In 2009 Mēgan published a book on the techniques of chasing and repoussé, titled “Chasing and Repoussé: Methods Ancient and Modern,” which is in it’s second printing and is currently available for purchase through jewelry suppliers and The October 2009 issue of Ornament magazine featured Mēgan with her piece “Tiara” on the cover and with a lead article. She has curated two shows in conjunction with the book: “Metal Magic, Chasing and Repoussé” with Facèré Jewelry Art Gallery in Seattle, WA 2009 and the 2010 exhibition “Chased + Repoussé” at Velvet da Vinci Gallery in San Francisco, CA.
In 2010 Mēgan exhibited with Facèré Jewelry Art Gallery in Seattle, WA as part of the exclusive series titled “Signs of Life.” This annual exhibition is the brainchild of the owner, Karen Lorene. She chooses nine nationally known jewelry artists and the same number of well-published novelists and poets, and produces a magazine in which the writers receive an image of one of the artists’ works and uses that as inspiration for a creative piece. These magazines are beautifully produced and are archives of jewelry art and literature. Mēgan has work in a number of private collections throughout the United States, in The Victoria and Albert Museum, London, England, The State University of New Mexico Art Gallery at Las Cruces in their permanent collection, and at the Tacoma Art Museum, Washington in their permanent collection. Mēgan exhibits her work at Facèré Jewelry Art Gallery in Seattle, WA.
Materials & Tools
There is a $110 materials fee for this class that is payable upon registration. The materials kit includes sterling silver sheets and other consumables used throughout the class.
NOTE: Metalwerx has many of the following for communal use, but we recommend you bring your own / extra if you have them or if you do not want to wait to use a communal tool / item. Items marked as requested, have been requested on behalf of the instructor and will not be available from Metalwerx for communal use or purchase.
- Closed-toe shoes - required in the Metalwerx studio
- Pitch bowl 7" min. diameter - with base
- Only red and green pitch are allowed in the studio - no black pitch.
- If bringing your own pitch bowl, instructor requests bowl be filled PRIOR to class with the pitch rising slightly above the rim, forming a "mound' or domed shape. A document will be sent after registration on how to properly fill a bowl of pitch.
- Below are two options if students wish to purchase their own. You may need slightly more pitch than comes in the 4.4lb brick to make your "mound". Will be outlined in pitch document sent after registration. Click vendor name to view items.
- - Pitch Bowl Kit
- - Pitch Bowl and Base and Red Pitch (German)
- Chasing hammer. Note: Metalwerx has some chasing hammers for use in the studio.
- Suggested sources for chasing hammer (30mm diameter face)
- - Picard Chasing Hammer, 6 oz.
- – Nechamkin/Otto Frei Pistol Grip Chasing Hammer
- Suggested sources for chasing hammer (30mm diameter face)
- Chasing tools.
- Students are encouraged to bring any chasing tools they own to use during class.
- Instructor will be bringing tools for students to use during class. These tools are made by a variety of tool makers and come in many styles and lengths. Students are encouraged to use them to determine what works best for them. The tools are available directly from the tool makers and can be ordered from them after class. Mēgan will go over the tool sites and help students decided what tools to order.
- 3 x lip balm with no additives like flavorings - requested
- Dust mask - requested
- Cotton apron or all cotton clothes - requested
- Lint-free cotton rags (such as old T-shirts) for wiping liquid pitch off the metal - requested
- Cheap ball point pen (will be ruined for writing) - requested
- Ear plugs
- Safety glasses or goggles – must have sides and must fit over student’s glasses
- Closed-toe shoes – required in the Metalwerx studio
- Optional:
- Optivisors. There will be a lot of close-up work.
- Dapping tools
- Letter and/or number stamps
- For any questions about these supplies, please email Mēgan at [email protected].