Chain Maille Jewelry: Byzantine Rose Weave
In these paired half-day classes, we will explore the classic Byzantine weave in the morning and then level-up in the afternoon to create a Persephone weave chain, which starts with a modified Byzantine cage. Take one class or both!
This morning session is designed for chain maille beginners, but more experienced students are also welcome. The class will begin with a presentation covering the basics of chain maille (using tools, handling jump rings, opening/closing techniques, common weaving problems and fixes, chain maille terminology, etc.). After the presentation, students will learn the Byzantine weave, the Mobius weave, and how to combine them to make a Byzantine Rose Bracelet in sterling silver. Discussion will include how to use both weaves, separately or together, in various design scenarios (necklaces, earrings, pendants, etc.)
Meet the instructor

Jewelry designer and author, Karen Karon, has been weaving maille for well over a decade. She teaches chain maille and scale maille classes and workshops at Metalwerx School for Jewelry and Metal Arts, at local venues, and also provides private chain maille/scale maille instruction. In addition, Karen is a certified PMC (Precious Metal Clay) artisan. Karen has written articles for Art Jewelry, Bead Style, Bead&Button and Step by Step Wire Jewelry magazines and is the author of Chain Maille Jewelry Workshop and Advanced Chain Maille Jewelry Workshop, both published by Interweave.
See Karen’s work on her website ( or visit her on Facebook and Instagram.
Materials & Tools
There is a $327 materials fee for this workshop payable upon registration. Kit includes all of the sterling silver jump rings needed for the class, sterling silver finding(s), and full color Karen Karon handouts with step by step instructions.
Please note, the metal market is currently in flux. This will affect the price of silver and the materials kit price listed for this class is subject to change. We will inform you of this in advance of the class.
Students Should Bring:
- 2 x smooth jaw pliers are needed - Metalwerx has tools for sharing
- The instructor recommends "Xuron Model 483 Short Flat-Nose Pliers" (Item#111268 on Rio Grande)
- 1 x optivisors - Metalwerx has for communal use - OPTIONAL
- 1 x polyester foam bead mat - OPTIONAL